Modernizing Fraud Management: A Strategic Imperative to Avoid Billions in Fraud Losses
Fraud losses are estimated to be $10 to $20 billion per year in Canada. This white paper explores the strategic initiative undertaken by a leading financial institution to modernize its fraud management systems. The program’s objectives included mitigating fraud risk, supporting new product lines, retiring legacy technology, and achieving operational efficiencies. Drawing on extensive program insights, the paper examines the drivers, challenges, outcomes, and lessons learned, offering actionable insights for similar enterprises seeking to modernize their fraud management ecosystems.
The paper is a product of the collective experience and insights from the industry into Financial Crimes by Principal Consultant Malcolm Clarke and Wellington Founder and President Brian McConnell. Written at a time of explosion for new and creative uses of Artificial Intelligence technology, it is perhaps the most unique opportunity to use data for good.

Yes, Banks, You Can Share Data AND Fight Crime
Detecting suspicious activity is faster, more efficient and more accurate when financial institutions share data Criminal activity involving financial transactions continues to run rampant around the world. Bad actors are increasingly sophisticated at finding any loophole in banks to commit...

The Role of Banking Data in Combating Human Trafficking
Every time there is news about catching and breaking up another human trafficking ring, we assume this is largely the good detective work of global, national and local investigative authorities. What we might not also realize is the critical role that financial institutions can and often do play...

KYC: Know Your Customer or Know Your Criminals?
How Data, Graphs and Data Fabric Uncover Criminal Banking Activity With all the technology and data at our disposal today, there is a false assumption that it should be pretty easy to catch all the bad guys, put an end to fraud and keep financial institutions – and the world at large – safer from...

Data: The Secrets That Lie Within
A three-part series on how data and technology can counter criminal banking activity Michael Nolan, Chief Imagineer of Wellington Consulting Group, hosted a session at the 2021 Payments Canada SUMMIT, discussing the topic of “Data fabric, knowledge graph and blockchain: fighting AML, fraud and...

Running your Workforce Virtually
I’ve been running Wellington as a virtual company for almost 11 years now. The previous two consulting firms I worked for both had offices in the heart of downtown Toronto that had space for about 100 consultants per floor but on any given day you would be lucky if there were more than 6 in the...

Wellington CG Insights: The End of Banking?
Wellington founder and president Brian McConnell took the stage at the EDM Council Toronto Briefing on November 12th to offer the crowd a tough question: will a data-driven world ultimately lead to the end of banking? On the surface, it would seem that way. The top 10 corporations by market...
Economic Outlook 2018
On January 8th, Wellington Consulting Group attended the Economic Club of Canada’s 2018 Economic Outlook. Listening to the Big 5 Banks Chief Economists, we were able to gain perspective on the past year and insight on what is to come in 2018.
7 Banking Trends to Watch in 2017
Banks across the world are struggling. The current environment of prolonged slow growth coupled with historic low interest rates, a continuing barrage of new regulations and the threat of upstart FinTechs have taken their toll on banks. Arguably Canadian banks are faring better than most if not...
6 Investment Management Trends to Watch For in 2017
Disruptions and challenges rooted in the financial crisis of 2007-2008 will continue through 2017. We expect to see an acceleration of transformational efforts by investment managers to drive client success in a landscape that continues to change. Download Now